Huge Multi-Family Sale

903 Simplicity Dr
Ellendale, MN 56026
Items for Sale: Natuzzi leather couch and chair w/ottoman; Ashley light brown loveseat and oversized chair w/ottoman; bathroom vanity; light fixtures; twin headboard; small side tables/shelves; exercise bike; John Deere Push Mower; Tonneau cover, misc automotive; misc motorcycle asseccories, helmets, and riding gear; misc hardware, hand tools, and power tools; Weber Spirit gas grill; misc housewares; pictures, home decor, and lamps; books, puzzles, games and movies; clothes, and much more.
  • 05/13/2022 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • 05/14/2022 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM is supported by the following area businesses: